Turbo Oil And Water Lines

Alex Kowalski akowalsk at comcast.net
Sun Feb 20 12:23:51 EST 2005

Thanks, I may wind up doing something similar -- basically cleaning up and modifying the ones that I have.  As a datapoint, Blaufergnugen is selling just the oil lines, separately, for over $100/each.   Before I do that, though, I do want to check out a good commercial hydraulic supply shop and see what they have to offer.   I couldn't care less about the 'trick' aerospace appearance of the lines that 034EFI sells -- the only thing that matters to me is function and reliability.  Oh, and I don't want to pay a lot.  Sounds like one of those "you can have it fast, cheap or good" conundrums, but I still want to try...my '86s oil line blew at the crimp, but I was able to get it home with a pair of hose clamps and some prayer. 

I'd like to put these hoses back on the car and just forget about them for the rest of the time I own it.  

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ

> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 23:52:40 -0700
> From: "Ed Kellock" <ekellock at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Turbo Oil And Water Lines
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <004601c51718$c65d89c0$9f0a2146 at clspco.adelphia.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
> Cheap, yes, and effective.
> I was on my way to Park City last September for the "west cost" Urq
> Preservation Group gathering when after an hour-long jaunt across NW
> Colorado at about 90-95 mph, a pinhole leak sprang forth in the
> inch-long piece of rubber hose in the turbo to head water line I
> obtained from a junkyard '90 200 turbo auto for my "new" watercooled
> K26.  Vernal, UT on a Friday evening is not exactly the best place to
> find a replacement for a dealer-only, specialized Audi turbo water
> line.
> Anyway, I had lots of moral support (caravan of 5 urq's) and made it
> to Park City with only two stops to top off the water.  The next
> morning I walked to the CarQuest 2 blocks away from the hotel and got
> enough tools and supplies to hacksaw off the crimped portion, clean up
> the barbed end of the steel line and install a new piece of hose with
> 2 regular hose clamps.  Looks factory to me and is holding up very
> well thus far.  And it's serviceable by me in the future if the need
> should arise.
> Ed

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