*ramblings* Re: Withdrawal symptoms, cylinder index, CPU index?

David Glubrecht daveglu at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 28 14:18:03 EST 2005

I would think that a rotary engine would count as 3 per rotor.
My problem is when people ask how many cars I have, I usually consider a car 
as one that could be made to be running and driving in less than a day. 
With that definition but no rotarys
Current CI for auto's is 49
CI for six bikes is 11
CI for three watercraft is 8
CI for misc is 6

Dave G

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric S" <scirocco at vintagewatercooleds.com>
To: "Mike Arman" <armanmik at earthlink.net>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 9:27 PM
Subject: NAC: *ramblings* Re: Withdrawal symptoms, cylinder index, CPU 

> Mike Arman said:
>> One item we never did resolve is the CI of a wankel engine. Is it "1", or
>> is it "3" or is it "the equivalent number of cylinders in a recip engine
>> which makes the same power" or something else entirely? My CI is now
>> somewhere between 24 and 27, depending on how we count the rotary engine.
> LOL, great stuff.  I do like the displacement index as well that was
> suggested.  Now, will bikes factor in too?
> Current CI: 25
> w bikes: 29
> Current DI: 14.38
> DI with bikes: 16.013
> As you can see, I don't seem to buy large displacement engines...and my 2
> turbo charged ones are diesel...that could be extra? (or would you
> consider that a negative, LOL).  (didn't include the blown 22R motor in
> the garage...that should be leaving soon anyway).
>> I propose, therefore, that we create an additional index as a measure of
>> geekdom - the CPU index. How many computers do we have laying around?
>> Ground rules - they all have to be assembled and working, parts in a box
>> don't count. There are multipliers, as well - a working Linux system 
>> which
>> you installed yourself is worth "2", anything with a 486 or less is worth
>> ".8", and anything that runs CPM is worth "3" and belongs in a museum.
>> Hacked iOpeners that run are worth 1.5. So let's see, that puts my CPU
>> index at 12.8, which makes me a candidate for propeller-head geekdom.
> Linux isn't really a challenge to install anymore. (damn near 0 effort
> really)
> What would my dual 300 mhz 64 bit Sun Ultra 2 be worth? Solaris 9 (of
> course installed by myself, compiled all sofware needed as well), 2 RSM
> 219 trays, running my website in my sig below off my DSL line?
> What about my dual boot laptop? (Win XP and Solaris 10 x86)
> Mac OS X laptop? (I've been told the G4 tis a dual core proc?)
> HP 200 LX Palmtop computer? (8088 running DOS, 5mb flash card)
> 2 gaming AMD based desktops as well...win xp (game support)
> Face it, geekdom is universal...car geeks, computer geeks...all the same
> to me, we just seem to get into stuff that we like.  ;-)
> -- 
> Eric
> www.vintagewatercooleds.com
> 1981 Scirocco S (TDI swap project)
> 1988 Audi 90 Quattro
> 1990 Corrado TDI
> 1991 Cabriolet (2.0 crossflow 8v project)
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