Oustide air temp bulb replacement

Todd Young auditodd at comcast.net
Mon Feb 28 18:05:30 EST 2005

Actually, this one works better:

In case the URL gets messed up, it's product #272-1092

jlandsverk at tds.net wrote:

> Iain,
> This isn't the exact bulb I used  http://tinyurl.com/5mxj5  but it's close.  
> You can easily remove and dismantle the temp display, as well as the PRND321 on an Auto tranny car.  Once the circuit board is out, use your soldering iron to remove the burnt bulb and install the new one.
> It's pretty simple really.  No tricks or anything to watch for.  I don't know if the "conducive rubber blocks" were on my A6 or not.  If they were, I reinstalled them correctly.  If memory serves, everything only goes back together one way - so you have to try to mess it up.
> Good luck.
> Joel 
>>From: <iain.atkinson at tesco.net>
>>Date: 2005/02/27 Sun PM 01:19:15 CST
>>To: <quattro at audifans.com>
>>Subject: Oustide air temp bulb replacement
>>just wondered if any of you genius's out there had replaced the bulb on the outside air temp dosplay (patient is an UrS4), dealer tells me that it's a new unit at £105gbp, ouch no way. I can still see the temp displayed during the day but not at night.
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Todd Young

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