rubber gas cap gasket

Tony Lum tlum at
Mon Feb 28 18:53:05 EST 2005

At 11:44 AM 2/28/2005, Kenneth Keith wrote:
>Hi Ti,
>Thanks for the reply.  I'll try to find a good used one among the ones
>I have, before I buy a whole new cap.  If I do get a new cap tho', I'd
>want it to be the style with the little groove in the handle to hook
>it onto the gas door.
>I just rekeyed the cap from another car, as the CQ I just picked up
>had a non-locking generic cap.  The seal on the generic cap looked
>different, btw.
>'90 CQ
>'91 200q20v
>'86 Coupe GT
>'85 4ksq project
>5 parts cars

Believe it or not, it is replaceable as is the seal on the oil filler 
cap.  Fairly inexpensive too.  I changed them on all of my cars after my 
cap failed the vacuum test during a smog check.  Its part number 811 201 
557 A as shown in the FA.


'83 ur-quattro # 302

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