1987 5KCSTQ Pictures

Alex Kowalski akowalsk at comcast.net
Sat Jan 1 23:48:20 EST 2005

I've finally gotten back from the holiday trip, and I've had the time to make a quickie web page with the pictures of my 'new' 1987 5KCSTQ.  These pictures reflect the state of the car the day after I took delivery of it.  I did absolutely nothing to prep the car for these photos except run it through an automated car wash to rinse off the road salt (it was snowing/sleeting when I brought it home.)  The odometer indicated 48,405 miles at the time, and after having gone through the car extensively I believe that figure.  

Sorry this took so long!


Click the thumbnails to see the full-sized images.  The page may take a while to load over a dial-up connection -- the images are _*large*_.

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ

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