EFI Megasquirt vs. 034

Cody Forbes cody at 500tq.com
Sun Jan 2 02:14:11 EST 2005

jesper moreau wrote:
> I've seen a bit from several of you reguarding EFI'ing your cars. I am
> quite interested in going EFI. I am also interested in keeping my car
> somewhat reliable. I have visited 034 and megasquirts websites and see
> there may be somewhat of a learning curv reguardless of the fact that
> I'm rather mechanically inclined. I would love to chat to someone if
> not several people reguarding going EFI and EFI as an application to
> what mods I have already done!

 I am an MS advocate. It's the greatest thing since the wheel. I run MS with 
the dual table code (which was writen by a 5ktq owner, and member of the 
Quattro list!) on my '87 5ktq producing something in the area of 475-500hp.

I know this isn't going to go over too well with a lot listers because Javad 
is well respected arround here, but I am one to speak my mind so here goes 
(Jim don't hate me please, heh). When I was considering going EFI I asked 
arround just like you are, and one of the responces was from Javad, the 
owner of 034. He didn't want to give me information, he wanted to sell me 
things. That turned me off to Javad completely, and I have since tried to 
give him a few second chances. Every time I ask him a question the reply 
isn't "oh yeah that would work and you could do...", his reply is "well if 
you bought my special turbo...", which really pisses me off.

The 034 system does work great for alot of people, Jim Green included. Jim 
has a 90q with an MC1 engine in it producing a ton of power (last I heard 
was close to ~475hp iirc). Jim I am sure will respond to your post, and with 
great info. He has helped me through my project more then any other person, 
and he always has a good understanding of what you are trying to accomplish 
so listen to what he says very openly and you will be better for it.

The only thing though about 034 working great for alot of people is that 
that number I think is somewhere near 50 cars, whereas MS is running on 
quite a few hundred cars these days. There are alot of worries about the 
reliability of MS, which by now should be stiffled. I have been running the 
very same MS for over two years now (in two different cars), and I have only 
had two problems, both were my fault. It's recomended to split the injectors 
up between the two drivers if you are running low impedance injectors, and I 
failed too heed the warning. I overloaded the driver circuit and cooked an 
FET, which in the end was a 5 minute fix. I now run high impedance injectors 
with all 5 on one driver (for about a year now) with no issues. My second 
problem was I had left the cover off if the MS unit which is in my glovebox, 
and without thinking I tossed a set of keys in the glovebox with it. I took 
and turn and my engine shut off, which was when one key made its was onto 
the circuit board and shorted two components. After putting the keys in my 
pocket it started right back up with no side effects!

My website http://www.5000tq.com should help you out a bit, though I haven't 
updated it in a good while. If you have any questions/problems let me know, 
I'd love to help with information instead of a sales pitch.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'87 5ktq - Fast.

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