90 v6 oil leak from hell !!! and happy new year !!

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 2 17:41:55 EST 2005

mine has a leak from the head/block joint...it's maybe
a third of the way back on the right hand head and
runs down into the valley and hence to the exhaust,
it's been doing it for years.

some people say you can cure it by tightening the head
bolts 1/4 of a turn with the engine stone cold


 --- Brian O' <briano_72 at yahoo.com> wrote: 
> i replaced the valley pan about a month ago, but she
> still leaks, i yanked the manifold again today and
> its soaked under der !! looks like, and im not real
> sure, the heads :-((  is this the common leak spot
> for the heads ?? i would think they would leak near
> the exhaust manifolds, where the oil would kinda
> lay, or drain to ?? it does have a neat side effect,
> im guessing the oil builds up near the valley pan,
> and when you go up hills the oil drains, dumps right
> on the exhaust and it looks like i filled my fuel
> tank with diesel fuel !! kinda the james bond smoke
> screan thing. so im asking for hints from fellow oil
> leakers, im pulling my hair out here !!!! and happy
> new year to all !! and please send replys direct to
> briano_72 at yahoo.com im only on the 12v list right
> now, and i did not get a single reply from anyone.
>                                  brian o'
> 93 90csq sport ( leaker )
> 91 80 ( backup )
> 93 100csq ( da wifes )
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