EFI Megasquirt vs. 034

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Mon Jan 3 18:04:20 EST 2005

At 2:14 AM -0500 1/2/05, Cody Forbes wrote:

>  When I was considering going EFI I asked arround just like you are, 
>and one of the responces was from Javad, the owner of 034. He didn't 
>want to give me information, he wanted to sell me things.

Vendors are free to contact a list member privately if they think 
they can meet the lister's needs.  Keep in mind that Javad started 
out just doing it for his own car, and all his products are developed 
through experience gained there; I believe a lot of it is based off 
the modifications he's made to his car and lessons learned.

   That's a lot more than I can say for other people in the 
performance aftermarket business; there's a lot of people, in both 
the Asian and German circles, that just act as dealers for foreign 
tuners, or worse, rebrand it.  Some of them are still very 
knowledgeable, but the lack of enterprising/originality is somewhat 

Overall I think Javad's contributions to the list publicly have been 
informative and interesting- and I haven't heard much noise about him 
pushing 034EFI stuff.  I'm hard pressed to think of a time he's done 
so on-list.

  He has certainly gotten some mileage business-wise, but only because 
of the reputation he worked to develop.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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