'87 4kq hood release: Audi gods yank my chain

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Mon Jan 3 21:33:19 EST 2005

Andrew:  Its a 200 but the pins and levers should be the same or 
> From: Andrew Buc <>
> On New Year's Day, I took the car out for ~30 freeway miles to warm it 
> up to change the oil. I got home, and suddenly the hood wouldn't open! 
> I checked the archives and Huw's page about this 
> (http://www.humanspeakers.com/audi/hoodcable.htm), but I just couldn't 
> see where to insert the screwdriver or what to push on. So I went off 
> and bought a small flashlight and batteries in the hope of seeing 
> better, and when I got back, the hood opened, pretty as you please! 
> SNIP . I also had a neighbor pull on the lever while I watched the action up 
> front, 
> and the release levers seemed to move as they should. I have to say 
> that I still don't see how I'd get the hood open if this happens again, 
> except by inserting some kind of hook into the loops. This doesn't seem 
> to square w/the talk of using a screwdriver. What am I missing? I'd 

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