Wierd tire wear - 2000 A6Q

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 4 13:31:10 EST 2005


That wear is typically caused by too much negative camber, incorrect toe-in,
or too many trips with the trunk full of platinum ingots.

Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Andrew Duane
Sent: January 4, 2005 1:15 PM
To: Quattro List
Subject: Wierd tire wear - 2000 A6Q

All 4 of my tires have the inside inch of the tread (basically,
just the inside corner) worn down almost to the inner belts.
The tires have some decent miles on them and are are low enough
on tread to get replaced anyway tomorrow, but what causes that
particular wear pattern?


Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - SPG
SavaJe Technologies     andrew at savaje.com
100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386
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