Question for Boulder (CO) Area Q-Listers

ben bwpearre at
Tue Jan 4 16:03:51 EST 2005

> A very good friend is looking to buy a 1999 A6q Avant located in
  Boulder, CO. I suggested he might want to have it checked out and so
  we are looking for suggestions for a good shop to have it checked
  out at. FWIW, it was always "dealer serviced" by the seller. TIA!

I know of 2 well-regarded Audi shops here.  I go to Wolfsburg:
303-998-1859 (VAG).  The other is Modern Specialists: 303-443-1540, to
which I've been once.  They gave a good impression, but they're not on
the same bus line as my house and my lab at CU :) Perhaps other
Boulder listers could elaborate?

Ben Pearre     1990 200TQA "Hyatt"

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