Speaking of sprayers....

Jim Haseltine jim_haseltine at ntlworld.com
Tue Jan 4 18:04:53 EST 2005

If it's anything like the UK model, the relay is under the dash - position 
11 on the auxillary carrier. I suspect that your fuses are ok, fuse 15 for 
both the front wiper motor and the rear washer pump, fuse 18 for the rear 
wiper motor.


Jim Haseltine.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Hall" <badcomrade at gmail.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:53 PM
Subject: Speaking of sprayers....

>I noticed today after I filled my rear wiper reservoir that it no
> longer sprays, although the rear wiper still works (1985 Coupe GT).
> I'm guessing the rear wiper motor and the sprayer motor are both on
> the same circuit / fuse... but while inside the fusebox under the
> hood, I didn't see either one listed... only "wipers" which I'm
> assuming is the front wipers because I believe it's on the same track
> as the dash lights, etc....
> Anyone know about this?
> -- 
> Chris Hall
> badcomrade at gmail.com
> "making girls cry since 1974"
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