oil seporater for crankcase breather

Bob bob at audisport.com
Sat Jan 8 22:57:09 EST 2005

> Hmm...what kind of engine?  One way to get around the entire problem, 
> supposedly, is to install Total Seal rings, which dramatically drop 
> crank venting.  Little more power to boot :-)
> I know an Aussie magazine had details on how to build one using pot 
> scrubbers that is supposedly very effective and cheap...

3B, 28lbs boost.  This is engine #2, the first had total seal rings and 
the were the worst pieces of sh!t Ive ever experienced in my life. Never 
again. They are too hard and wouldnt seat. Kept blowing by BADLY on 
boost. what a mess.  We've had many motors over the years with 
conventional rings, some putting out way more hp and boost than this 
thing is without problems.  After doing a little homework on the total 
seals, I find this is fairly common. They are now off the list.

>> Im not sure how bad for the environment is, no actual oil vapor comes 
>> out of the filter...
> It's the gases that are really bad; mixture of gazes left over from 
> all stages of combustion.  They outweigh tailpipe emissions several 
> times over if vented to atmosphere.  I mean, geez Bob, why don't you 
> just go club a baby seal with an elephant tusk while you're at it ;-)

Sure, but they can tar the roads around here and oil them and thats OK?  
Ive got to believe that someone dripping oil (most cars) is doing way 
worse than I am.  As soon as Im done with my spotted owl dinner Ill go 
dump my anti freeze into the brook. :)

>> if it does its not with any significance, the filter is still pure 
>> white after many many miles.  Also never had a problem with passing 
>> emissions with it, and I just went through a few months ago.
> Hmm- usually it's grounds for an instant flunk the second they spot it.
> Guess CT varies like most states in the quality of inspection done 
> station to station.  I've heard many a lister get flunked for not 
> having "idle and mixture adjustments" because "the comm-puuuter says 
> you're supposed to have em!", but then a lister I know just took his 
> S4 for inspection and the guy didn't even pop the hood.  I've been 
> flunked for having tires that were too worn, and gone to a station 
> down the road where the guy checks turns signals, headlights, and 
> slaps on the sticker.

They didnt pop my hood either, just put the inductive pickup on it and 
thats it. 

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