oil seporater for crankcase breather
Aaron Jongbloedt
jungle at hickorytech.net
Sun Jan 9 00:49:31 EST 2005
What you can do, what some of us VR6 people do is to use an Air Compressor
Air/Water Filter. They are like $15 from Home Depot, you will need som 1/4
NPT to 3/4" ?? adaptors. What you do is put this IN LINE of your current
crank case breather, but what this does is filter out most of the oily
vaport (which robs octane and makes a mess in your intake manifold, but yet
that air is burned...so there are some enviromental benifits, further more,
on OBDI and newer cars...that air that comes from your crank case is
metered...meaning your ECU is expecting to recieve that air and plans for
the appropiate amount of fuel, probabally not as imporant on f/i cars....
Aaron Jongbloedt "YoungBlood"
mailto: jungle at hickorytech.net
url: http://blacksunshine.freeservers.com/
url: http://testsvr.sabis.com
"Try a little Black Sunshine."
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life are entirely my own. $1.95 will
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Taka Mizutani" <t44tqtro at gmail.com>
To: "Bob" <bob at audisport.com>
Cc: <brett at cloud9.net>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: oil seporater for crankcase breather
> Anything from Summit is probably much, much cheaper than one of the
> fancy cans from Greddy or Cusco. :-)
> If you really want to stay with OEM parts, there is one on the Porsche
> 931- works pretty much the same as any other catch can, does NOT vent
> to atmosphere. Yes, they all have proper oil separators.
> Catch cans usually don't vent to atmosphere, it's the little PCV vents
> with the little K&N on top that do that.
> If you're worried about inspections, don't go to a place that's full
> of idiots, simple as that.
> Taka
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