intermittent temp gauge

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Mon Jan 10 21:27:39 EST 2005

"Alan Lubow" <alosteo at> wrote:
> I've noticed the temperature gauge only works intermittently.  

Then it's definitely electrical and not a cooling system problem.  
I'd look first at the temperature sensor on the engine.  If your
V6 has a multi-function temperature sensor, then I'd say 90% 
sure that's the problem. Also check for corroded connections
and broken wires at the MFTS.  The problem could also be at
the other end -- the gauge (same issues).  And it could be a 
break in the wire somewhere between the MFTS and the gauge.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" is no more

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