v8 bearings

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Jan 11 01:47:14 EST 2005

"S Dewitt" <sdewitt at stx.rr.com> writes:
> Nope, you can get the main bearings through Sealed Power (~200 bucks 
> a set) but I have been unable to source rod bearings.
> Scott DeWitt
> Advanced Automotion
> 817-939-6761

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bob" <bob at audisport.com>
> > Anyone know a source for 3.6l v8 crank and rod bearings?
> >
> > thanks!
> > Bob

In the past couple years I have been in contact with a couple of 4Ners
who rebuilt their engines and between them had purchased just about all
the internals, including the rod bearings.  A V8Q owner in the Republic
of Kazakhstan ordered his parts from a German parts supplier, but said
that almost everything he bought was drop shipped from a Mahle factory
(distribution center?) in Salzsitter, Germany.  It's been a while, (about
2 years) don't know if his email is still good, but I found it in my
archives and have sent him a note asking if he might still have the part
#'s.  Might be able to get them from a Mahle distributor in the US with
the part #.   Probably readily available in EuroLand countries, esp.
Germany, any listers on that side of the Atlantic want to check?


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