intermittent temp gauge

Andrew Duane andrew at
Tue Jan 11 08:01:43 EST 2005

It's almost the MFTS. been through about 4 of them on my various
Audis. Why they still use that same crappy design eludes me.
They've been failing regularly since the mid 80's.

Luckily, it's a cheap part (maybe $50-ish), and takes less than
5 minutes to put in. Sometimes it is just the connection to the
sender, but even then it's usually gone beyond cleaning, so just
replace it anyway and get new connections.

Hairy green toads from Mars made Alan Lubow say:
> I recently purchased a 1994 Auto quattro 90.  I put on some Pirelli Carver
> snows, and so far it seems like a great winter car!
> I've noticed the temperature gauge only works intermittently.  When it works
> it seems to function just fine, then I'll glance over and notice that it's
> pegged fully to the left (indicating cold) even though the car is running
> just fine.  Eventually it starts to function again, maybe with the next
> drive and maybe not.  Any idea where I should start to track this problem
> down?
> Alan
> Denver, CO
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Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - SPG
SavaJe Technologies     andrew at
100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386

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