
Matt Evans matt at
Tue Jan 11 22:19:14 EST 2005

Actually this is pretty slick.

There's a product in BMW land that lets you display the V1 remote display on
the BMW I-bus.  It's really smooth because the V1 display is completely
concealed at that point (how you mount the V1 such that _it_ is completely
concealed is up to you) and because the illumination matches the interior
illumination perfectly.

I suspect as time goes on more cool stuff will start tapping the cluster
display on VAG products.  I am  bummed my wife's B5 passat only has the
1/3rd height display in the cluster (for temp / trip computer, but no radio
or other info).  

The point isn't to do a custom V1 install.  It's to make other things speak
on the TMC/CAN/whatever bus.  That's what's cool about it.


> >
> >
> >V1 readout on my dash!
> >  
> >
> For $470 minimum (they don't specify what the V1 interface 
> costs, and I 
> bet the modules for doing extra stuff are just as 
> $$$)'ve -got- to 
> be joking.  It seems like you could probably get a pro installer to 
> integrate the V1 remote display into the dash somehow for 
> that kind of cash.
> Honestly- I didn't bother with the remote display after I 
> hard-wired the 
> V1 up next to the rearview mirror.  If it beeps K/Ka, I slow 
> down, and 
> looking near the rear view mirror is something I'm pretty 
> used to by now.
> Does it really matter whether it's:
> -look down, see "rear" arrow, Ka, and +++++++++++ strength
> -look in rear view mirror to see flashy bits in side street turn on
> or
> -eyes dart to detector, but are distracted along the way by 
> the sight in 
> the rear view mirror of flashy bits turning on
> You people need some help in the wallet lightening department- your 
> fancy newer Audis with nav-display gee-gaws aren't doing a 
> good enough 
> job, apparently.  Contact me privately and I'll be more than happy to 
> assist with my hedge fund (I take your funds, bury them behind my 
> hedge).  I promise to leave A++++ SMOOTH TRANSACTION feedback.

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