So is Motodyne legit or not? [Gulp]

Alex Kowalski akowalsk at
Wed Jan 12 08:04:37 EST 2005

Sorry, guys.  I didn't mean to send the entire digest body along with that reply;
there was another paragraph I wanted to send with it, too.

Then I hit ENTER by accident, sent that message with
the entire digest attached, and was so disgusted with myself that I 
just smacked the power button on the computer and went to bed.  It had been 
that kind of day.  I've reconfigured my Comcast webmail not to 
automatically paste in the message body; I usually don't have to do that,
but it seems I'm headed back to email nursery school for a while.

As far as Motodyne is concerned:

I was maybe they should get the benefit of the doubt for one reason:
I used to live in North Jersey, a long time ago (I know, pity) and at the time
I knew a few car guys who were trying to work their way up in the
dog-eat-dog, attitude-rulez, I'm-badder-than-you, and your girlfriend
is an ugly [deleted] world that sometimes passes for the culture there.  

A couple of them were actually, good mechanics and stand-up people, 
despite the rough edges.  One in particular ran a gas station directly adjacent
to an Audi dealer; his shop was kind of the pits in comparison to the 
sparklingly clean, gleaming Audi digs right next door -- but he was
an honest mechanic and handled a lot of their overflow work, and did
a great job fixing my dad's Audis on a number of occasions.  Another was a
kid I went to high school with, a mechanic by trade who was working
to become an independent BMW tuner.  His taste in clothes and music was
very interesting, but he wasn't a cheat either, and he was a good mechanic.

Well, anyway, I was thinking that maybe Motodyne was that kind of place.

But after having read through their entire website, and the archives regarding
them, it looks like Motodyne has a very, ahem, ambitious business model.  
I loved this statement, inre their Armored A8 conversion:  

"Armored Manufactures fail to realize that the added weight of materials used for 
protection dramatically affects the vehicles performance."  

They do?  Wow.  Who'da thunk that all the reputable companies that do armored conversions
have never observed that adding a ton or so of armor to a car or an SUV makes it slower?  Their
limited warranty is also very creative (30 days??? on a multi-thousand $$$ installation?  And then
what do you do if it breaks, take it to the Audi dealer?)  and so on, and so on, as others have
pointed out ad infinitum.

So, in closing, I am going to type with my right hand in my pocket for the
next couple of days, and to anyone willing to give these Motodyne
guys a try -- I wish you the _*best of luck*_, and may fortune smile upon you.  ;)

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ, one hand in pocket

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