Vibration in my clutch pedal ('86 4kcsq)

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Wed Jan 12 14:26:08 EST 2005

Hello there sounds like a release bearing on your clutch.  The release 
bearing is not too expensive but you need to take everything apart as if 
you were doing the clutch, which is a lot of work, it was on my 1993 90 
CSQ.  So usually the recomendation is to do the clutch at the same time.

All in total this get's expensive ! :-(

Tyson Varosyan wrote:

>I started the car this morning and to my dismay heard a gut wrenching sound.
>Rotary metal on metal grinding... Popped the hood, looked around, but could
>not tell if the sound was coming from inside the motor or one of the
>pulleys. I verified that all of my fluids were right to make sure that
>nothing was running dry and decided to continue loading the car while
>letting warm up. After about 5 minutes, the noise sputtered and stopped. I
>got to thinking "whatever bearing that was just fell out and the engine is
>running, could be good, could be bad."
>Driving later the same day I felt a noticeable vibration in the clutch pedal
>when it was partly pressed. There was also a new noise, a low tone grinding
>sound whenever the clutch was fully down. To my surprise, the clutch does
>not slip at all, it still grips very solid. Now I got my own ideas as to
>what happened, I would like to hear what the list has to say.
>Tyson Varosyan
>Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
>tyson at
>206-715-TECH (8324)
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at

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