Vibration in my clutch pedal ('86 4kcsq)

Dan Cordon cord4530 at
Wed Jan 12 15:04:06 EST 2005

Tyson Wrote:
> I started the car this morning and to my dismay heard a gut wrenching sound.
> Rotary metal on metal grinding... Popped the hood, looked around, but could
> not tell if the sound was coming from inside the motor or one of the
> pulleys. I verified that all of my fluids were right to make sure that
> nothing was running dry and decided to continue loading the car while
> letting warm up. After about 5 minutes, the noise sputtered and stopped. I
> got to thinking "whatever bearing that was just fell out and the engine is
> running, could be good, could be bad."
> Driving later the same day I felt a noticeable vibration in the clutch pedal
> when it was partly pressed. There was also a new noise, a low tone grinding
> sound whenever the clutch was fully down. To my surprise, the clutch does
> not slip at all, it still grips very solid. Now I got my own ideas as to
> what happened, I would like to hear what the list has to say.

I'd guess at something like the pilot bearing/bushing. But if that's the 
case...I'm not sure why you'd feel it in the clutch pedal. Perhaps it 
was cold enough this morning to freeze the aging bearing, and eventually 
it warmed up enough to break free. Unfortunately, there's not an easy 
way to check this w/o dropping the trans or pulling the engine. Unless 
someone else has a way I've not heard of. How many miles on the clutch/car?

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer
University of Idaho - Engine Research Facility

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