WAS So is Motodyne legit or not?Now is New Jerseyian

Alex Kowalski akowalsk at comcast.net
Thu Jan 13 12:54:09 EST 2005


Jeez, I didn't mean to offend anyone else, especially the entire state of NEW JERSEY.  ;)  I apologized, OK?  I lived in Jersey for the better part of 20 years, I have friends there ranging from doctors and lawyers to chefs to hairdressers to schoolteachers to police officers, and I hacked it just fine, thanks, and I still enjoy visiting.  I reserve the right to comment on it however I want to, even if it's subjective, having grown up there and paid my dues to the state in many ways.   I said "sometimes passes" and that's the TRUTH -- ever been down the strip in Seaside Heights during the summer at night?   Ever cruized Bloomfield Ave. in your 5.0?  I have.  There are plenty of other examples, but New Jersey is far too complicated a place to be captured in a paragraph, so if that one upset your sensibilities, I'll be happy to apologize again.

Anyway, the _*point*_ of my post, and I guess I didn't make it well enough, 
was that I knew plenty of people connected to the New Jersey car culture in
one way or another, from stereo and alarm installations to Corvette restorations to Audi repair shops to BMW tuners, and that even with the occasional rough edges it was a _*mistake*_ to jump to conclusions about them!!  Every once in a while you get a really bad apple who gives everyone else a bad name, and it seems like Motodyne fits the bill.

New Jersey is one of the most interesting states in the country - demographically it ranges from semi-rural farms to down-the-shore getaways to exurban sprawl to big-city megalopolis to ultra-wealthy estates, and more, sometimes all within 50 miles of each other.  I had a great time living there, from AT&T Bell Laboratories to nightclubs in Hoboken to fishing charter boats down the shore, etc.  And let's not forget all the money Donald Trump owes me.

Now that I've made all these lists and apologized again, if I've managed to tick off the entire state of New Jersey, well, I know from experience that there's nothing so frustrating or paradoxically satisfying as being upset at one of your own.  ;)

Joe Piscopo for Governor!


> Message: 9
> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 20:18:55 -0500
> From: Brendan Walsh <audicted42 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: WAS So is Motodyne legit or not?Now is New Jerseyian
> 	highly	offended
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Message-ID: <3a5481780501121718f3d78e7 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> >I was maybe they should get the benefit of the doubt for one reason:
> >I used to live in North Jersey, a long time ago (I know, pity) and at the time
> >I knew a few car guys who were trying to work their way up in the
> >dog-eat-dog, attitude-rulez, I'm-badder-than-you, and your girlfriend
> >is an ugly [deleted] world that sometimes passes for the culture there.
> Snip!!
> I do live in NJ, and I am personally offended, New Jersey is one of
> the highest educated and richest states in the nation. We're not just
> NY's bastard little brother, there is a thriving trade in music,
> theatre, and the arts in NJ. Unless you were living in some trailer
> park in sussex county or the slums of newark or paterson, you've
> completely missed out on NJ. Most of Northern NJ is still rural or
> burbs. The relatively small portion that is city has been extensively
> cleaned up. We are engineers, doctors, lawers, Not the two bit hoods
> portrayed on the Sopranos. As for the car culture, most every person
> I've dealt with has been the complete antithesis of the crap you just
> spewed. Maybe you were reffering to some 17 year old punks, try
> looking around your own town I'm sure you've got them too. Just
> because you couldn't hack it here that's no reason to insult the
> people who do.
> Try picking on po'dunk Arkansas next time. 
> Brendan
> Annoyed in NNJ

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