[s-cars] ecode Xenons

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Thu Jan 13 14:09:33 EST 2005

> I still haven't got a straight answer on the "city lights" - some say
they are used in the city where there are high levels of ambient
lighting and the main dipped beams are off, while others say they are
for parking on the street.

That is as straight an answer as you can get - the further (or farther)
you move from East to West in Europe the more the use of those lights
for parking rather than driving increases.

>The city lights on my C4 were not sufficient for road use. They were
okay for parking

Hence calling them park lights and that's their main intended use.  On
European cars you can leave the signal light lever "on" on either side,
turn everything off, lock the car and the 2 park lights on the
corresponding to the "lever-on" side will stay on - for parking outside
at night in a really dark spot, typically in the countryside. 


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