Audi electrical terminal assortment kits.

Robert Myers robert at
Sun Jan 16 09:02:41 EST 2005

Looks like you may be suggesting snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, 
George.  Are you actually suggesting some sort of order coming out of 
chaos?  Good luck.  ;-)

At 08:59 AM 1/16/2005 -0500, George Harris", 
gharris at wrote:

>I'm amazed at the variety of choices one has to connect the ends of 2 
>pieces of wire. I hate to think what happens when you want to connect 3 
>wires! ;-)
>Why don't the engineers all get together, oh in some umbrella 
>organization, let's call it the Society for Automotive Engineers (SAE for 
>short), and rationalize the number of connectors. We have circuits with 5, 
>10, 15, 20, 15, 25, 30 amps and come up with 3 different weights (light, 
>medium, heavy) of connectors that would handle the whole range of 
>automotive needs. Then all auto manufacturers could use the same connectors.
>Remember I had the idea first !!! LOL
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