Describe the fell of a good Typ85 clutch

David duandcc_forums at
Mon Jan 17 12:04:36 EST 2005

Patient is a 1987 CGT 2.3. I'd had a heck of a time with the clutch hydrolics. MC rod broke (the rod that conects the pedal). MC was replaced, and soon the slave dies (slutch fell to the floor). Shop that did the MC couldn't get the slave free, so it got shipped to Aamco. They replaced the slave + 1 hose. Then the clutch would not completely disengage. It would clunk/crash into reverse and creap backward with the clutch all the way in plus the total pedal travel was like 2-3". Aamco looked at it again today. They said the MC was bad, I said ti was brand new. They said to take it back to who ever did the MC and get it redone, it's bad. Then before I could come pick it up, they called back again saying that they took a  peak at the MC and that the "jam nut was loose and allowed the rod to walk" and threw the pedal allignment off. No clue exactly what they meant, but the "fixed" it at no aditional charge. Picked her up, clutch is very smooth and fluid like, but it grabs VERY high (like the last couple inches of travel) and the clutch pedal now sits a little higher than the brake pedal. Would you say that's normal? It's been so long since I've had a properly working clutch that I have no clue what it SHOULD feel/work like. Thoughts?

1987 CGT 2.3

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