Re [V8] Hydraulic Fluid PENTOSTIN

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Jan 18 17:47:38 EST 2005

You can always overlook your confusion and use the Mobile or Chevron
products, eh?

At 01:07 PM 1/18/2005 -0500, SuffolkD at wrote:
>Wow.......I'm even more confused reading this.  The info here seems to 
>explain the facts, but for me it leads to a few questions.....  Not knocking 
>post, but I can see where much of the confusion comes 
>The cans look the same with subtile differences and red vs green caps.  Green 
>is older and becoming NLA................
>7.1 and 11S are not actually the numbers on the can but relate to:
>"  --Do NOT mix either 7.1 or 7.11 min "...... AND
>" Here is the official word from Audi on the 7.1 and 11S compatibility."
>Backwards compatible.  I need to be straightened out on this.  BACKwards 
>compatible to me would be ABLE to use the NEWER synthetic in place of the 
>mineral oil in older cars.
>FORWARD compatible would be older stuff okay in newer / future applications 
>But NOT older mineral Oil 7.1? in the newer 1990 and up (approx) synthetic 
>systems needing 11S...........
>as a rule/guideline unless you're stuck in the desert and need to MacGuyver 
>your ride to the nearest service or die in the desert 
>As a general rule of thumb (unless ATF) older cars 4000 80 / 90 5000 are 7.1F 
>Green top correct?
>Superceeded by synthetic 11S (Red) in all cars POST 1990-ish.
>I'll bet there's something newer in the 2000 MY cars too..............
>Please help me.................. -Scott by BOSTON
>In a message dated 1/18/2005 2:46:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
>v8-request at writes:
>Posted before, but the archives being what they are...Here is the official 
>word from Audi on the 7.1 and 11S compatibility:AUDI TSB reference Bulletins 
>thru 1993 (issued Oct 1994)Audi tech bulletin 48-89-T07, Nov '89 (EXACTLY 
>QUOTED)"HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FLUID - NEW TYPEHydraulic system fluid has been 
>improved as 
>of M.Y. 1990New: Hydraulic Fluid, part number unchanged.This fluid is more 
>temperature resistantColor: OliveOld: Hydraulic Fluid, PN 002 000Color: 
>new hydraulic fluid can be identified by the RED cap onthe containerNote: New 
>and old hydraulic fluid can be mixed if 
>NOT mix either 7.1 or 7.11 mineral oil in 
>audi hydraulicsystems which  call for "Dexron Automatic Transmission Fluid". 
>The ATFhydraulic systems are  usually identified by the metal resevoir, 
>themineral oil 7.1and 7.11s  hydraulic systems are usually identified by the 
>plasticresevoir. ATFapplication are usually found on the older 4000, Urq and 
>hydraulic  systems (USA). The 7.1 non synthetic mineral oil fluid isusually 
>found in  all 1984> 1989 audi 500/200 cars (USA) The new 7.11fluid is found 
>the  factory in some M.Y. 1990 audis, and all 1991>audis.Given the better 
>resistant characteristics of the 7.11s (syntheticmineral oil) fluid, it is  
>the preferred fluid for all audi applicationsspecifying G 00 2 000 mineral  
>hydraulic fluid.If you have any questions regarding the application for 
>yourspecific car,  please consult either your owners manual, the label onyour 
>resevoir, or your  audi dealer.BCNU,<A 
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