Going to look at a '95 A6q - what should I look for?

Tyson Varosyan tigran at tigran.com
Tue Jan 18 19:56:40 EST 2005

Hi Guys,

The car is for my dad. Its a '95 A6q with 115k on the clock. I plan to ask
the owner to let me do a compression test, but other than that, what other
things should I look for? Common problems? I am handy with a wrench and know
cars pretty well, so don't be afraid to recommend whatever needs to be done.
Think of it as if you were going to look at a car for your pops :)


Tyson Varosyan
Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
tyson at up-times.com
206-715-TECH (8324)


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