Euro lens on DOT lights?

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at
Wed Jan 19 18:40:32 EST 2005

I know I have seen this in the past but I did not own
these cars then and I can't find it in the archives
I have a 1993 S4 with DOT lights, both lens were
pitted when I got the car and now I have  rock hole in
the right lens. (new StoneGards sitting in the garage,
Can I put Euro lens on my DOT housings?
I also have the same issue on my 1996 A6 but only one
lens is damaged. I can buy lens for both cars (4 lens
$332 from Blau) for less than I can get 1 DOT unit for
my S4.
1993 Pearl S4
1996 A6 (for sale soon)

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