interesting problem with 5000tq

SJ syljay at
Fri Jan 21 21:45:12 EST 2005

> From: "igor cepic" <quatro at>
> Subject: interesting problem with 5000tq
> A car start fine run for 30 min or so,and shut it self,
**** How does it stop running?  Does the idle get erratic? Does it cough,
spit and sneeze?
Or does it just stop - like turning off the ignition switch?

so far my friend change
> timing belt,fuel pump,fuel pump relay,and we swaped ecu.Same thing
> A car is getting spark when is no start condition,so I think that rpm,hall
sensor are fine
> and ignition module too.And also after some time car start fine then stop
> What do you think
**** Yup, you covered all the common failure points.
You have not changed the hall effect sensor. Others have mentioned that the
part can become intermittant.
Its possible that the part becomes warm and opens up. The result will be the
same as shutting off the ignition switch.

Bentley has a test for that. I'm not positive, but I think its a 0 to 5 volt
pulsing output. You can set the sensor  up for testing, then run the engine,
when it stops, quickly test the hall effect sender for output when cranking.

If you dont have the Bentley, let us know and I'll type up the test

85 Dodge PU, D-250, 318, auto
85 Audi 4k - - sold but still on the road
88 Audi 5kq
90 Audi 100q

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