2Re: 91 CQ - Adjust Temp Control Flap Potentiometer - How to
Jeff Pereira
jplists at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 04:00:42 EST 2005
I am getting to old to be the contortionist that it takes to get to
some areas on my car.
Damn.... That motor was way in there..
The motor itself seems a little flaky. It doesn't want to got end to
end all the time and it sometimes seems if it is confused. I am
thinking that most likely something is affecting the sensort and it
need to be cleaned -- although I will probably just replace the motor
as I do not want to EVER have to do this again and the motor isn't too
expensive at $70.00 delivered.
Once the motor was removed, I was able to move the temperature
regulation flap and it moved fine. Unfortunately, while the flap was
in the heat position there was not a tremendous difference in the
temperature of the air coming through so it looks like I am going to
have to change out the heater core which seemed like it was working
ok, but I suspect there must be some sort of blockage that is causing
the problem.
The good news is that it will be easier to replace the servo motor
with the heater box out of the car.
On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 06:47:54 -0500, Robert Myers <rmyers1 at charter.net> wrote:
> What is the condition of the flap operating lever? I had to replace the
> little plastic piece to get heat a number of years ago/ The piece is a two
> bit plastic part and is easy to replace once you have the required psrt.
> Obviously I have no clue if this is your problem.
> At 06:43 AM 1/22/2005, you wrote:
> Thanks for all of the good info.
> I am actually there now....
> I just finished removing the footwell vents and now finally have
> access to the three screws that hold the servo motor.
> The most frusatrating thing for me at this point is that the motor
> does work -- I can see it moving the lever arms attached to it -- I am
> hoping that all I need to do is adjust the potentiometer so that it
> moves fully. If not at the very least I hope to be able to manually
> adjust the flap so that I can have heat.
> I did find a decent price for this part -- $63.31 from impexfap.com --
> I tried Blau and they wanted well over $100.
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 20:49:29 -0500, Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net>
> wrote:
> > also check HERE
> >
> > http://forums.audiworld.com/9080/msgs/248278.phtml
> >
> > -Peter
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > At 08:40 PM 1/21/2005, Peter Schulz wrote:
> > Jeff:
> >
> > Saw your post on audifans...
> > Unfortunately the type 89 Audi 80/90 CQ has little in common when it
> comes
> > to the flap controller with the Type 44 cars, even if the climate control
> > head is the same.
> >
> > Bottom line. its a shitty job - the center console has to come out because
> > the flap controller is on the bottom, just above the transmission tunnel -
> > you have to remove nearly everything, save the heater box to access it.
> > Furthermore, the harness for the controller goes over the TOP of the box
> and
> > connects on the driver's side.
> >
> > You have two choices if you decide to get a replacement controller from
> > Audi...cut the existing harness on the passenger side near the controller
> > and splice in the new harness, or disconnect the harness on the drivers
> side
> > and leave it. run the new controller harness to the connector there..
> >
> > I helped a fellow 90q owner replace the one in his car, he gave me the
> part.
> > the motor is ok, but it appears the potentiometer wore out.
> >
> >
> > there are a bunch of posts in the audiworld 80/90 forum about replacing
> this
> > part ( use the search tool)...
> > This is a long job however...i think that the fastest it was done was
> about
> > six hours.
> >
> > When I finally tackle mine, I'm also going to replace the heater
> core......
> >
> > -Peter
> >
> > 1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
> > 1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
> > 1991 90 20v Q Red
> > 1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)
> >
> > Chelmsford Ma, USA
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