Headlight switch

Jpinkowish at aol.com Jpinkowish at aol.com
Sun Jan 23 14:54:33 EST 2005

In a message dated 1/22/05 7:49:57 PM EST, sletz at msn.com writes:

> I just melted my headlight switch on my '86 4000CSQ.
>  Actually- this is the 2nd one I've melted. After the first one- put in dual
>  headlight relays- with voltage coming directly from the alternator.

Hi Sam,
If the headlight switch connector is melting after you've installed relays 
for the headlights, you're prolly getting high current draws through the parking 
light circuits.  If you add up the wattage of all the bulbs in the L/R 
circuits, it's over 100W.

A good place to start is to examine the ALL front and rear park light bulbs 
and sockets for corrosion.  These things need to be spotless for optimum 
operation.  If you can't get them sparkly clean, replace them.

After I installed relayed euro lights, I also went through the melted 
connector schtik.  Cleaning up the park light bulbs and connectors reduced the 
temperature of the switch and no problems after many months.

The connector part # is 857 971 978 and is found in the following:
--1981 to 87 Audi coupe
--1985 to 87 4k and 4kq

Remember to clip as much pigtail on the connector as you can.
If you still can't find one of these, email me privately.


Jan Pinkowish
'85 4ksq
Bristol, CT

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