80 Quattro Turbo exhaust clearance

Robert Mangas porter_t_dog at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 25 12:12:00 EST 2005

   Best trick I know of to find an exhaust leak is to get a mechanics 
stethoscope and pull off the rod/diaphragm assembly.  Replace it with a 
length of formable metal tube and use the tube to probe around while wearing 
the steth.  Works good.

>From: <mccohens at verizon.net>
>Reply-To: mccohens at verizon.net
>To: <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: 80 Quattro Turbo exhaust clearance
>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 15:51:27 +0000
>Now that the CIS is removed I see the downpipe from the turbo is way too 
>close to the body, causing the vibration every time I took a corner to the 
>left hard.  I have no problem taking the downpipe off and whacking the 
>sheet metal with a BFH, just need to know how much clearance I should go 
>Also, the car developed the classis exhaust ticking right after I forced 
>the exhaust system together.  Hoping I cracked one of the accordians, but 
>knowing it could be the exhaust manifold.  Any hints or BTDT to locate the 
>source of leaks and where they most often occur?  Any listers in the Phila 
>area that want to stop by and have a beer/comment on the transplant?
>Randy Cohen
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

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