'88 90Q - NO Starting, ice in the fuel lines??

Doug Yoder yoderw at msoe.edu
Thu Jan 27 15:54:09 EST 2005

Walter Ikamba wrote:
> I recently changed the fuel pump in the fall the car was running fine
> and then this winter I have had continuous problems starting with
> car. The mechanic claims its ice in the fuel lines/filter. But I
> didn't have this problem last year with the previous fuel pump. It is
> definitely fuel starvation that is preventing the car from starting.
> The plugs, rotor, and basically all electronics are new or have been
> checked. I was thinking that maybe the guys who installed the fuel
> pump maybe didn't return it to its original housing and hence it is
> more susceptible to the cold than it was previously hence the
> freezing up. This has happened to me 4 times now. I had it towed to
> the mechanic and he's stumped he checked everything. To add insult to
> injury the car started after about 4 kicks when he tried and run
> fine.. Then  after a week it died again. Right now it won't start for
> nothing. The batteries is now dying too. Anyone? any ideas.

Do they put Ethanol in the gas where you fill up?  Have you tried
putting "Heet" in the gas tank?
My fuel pump failed a month ago.  I thought the fuel lines were frozen.
  My mechanic, surprisingly, thought it very unlikely, given the amount
of ethanol they put in the gas around here.

-Doug Yoder

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