
Matt Suffern msuffern at
Thu Jan 27 17:39:14 EST 2005

The OEM headunit is trash, I'll give you that.  I bought a reman unit for my 4kq about 6 months ago and it's been progressively breaking ever since.  Three of 
the preset buttons are marginal now, the cassette player doesn't work, and it really depends on the unit's mood as to whether it wants to play out of any 
given speaker.  Sucks.

*However,* (and that's a big however), it LOOKS right in the OEM dash.  That's a big thing for me as a graphic designer and someone who evaluates things 
all day on a visual basis.  I figure the interior and specifically the dash is what I'm going to see all the time while I'm actually driving the car, so an appealing, 
coherent driving environment is pretty high on my priority list.

The good news is that there are aftermarket units that fit the OEM interior scheme pretty well (no chrome/shiny bits--all black plastic, red/orange lighting, 
round-ish knobs and buttons).  Unfortunately most of those aftermarket units are pretty pricey.  I've just gotten the Nakamichi CD-400 I ordered last 
week...will take some pics when I install it.


'86 4kq
Chapel Hill, NC

> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:56:17 -0800 (PST)
> From: William Magliocco <magliocc at>
> Subject: radio
> To: ebilling at, quattro at
> Message-ID: <20050127205617.76139.qmail at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I don't know why people go insane over OEM radios.
> Just yesterday, I bought a "Dual" AM/FM/CD/XM radio
> for $150 on sale @ BestBuy.  this _includes_ the XM
> module...  It even has an auxiliary input so I can
> play my "poor man's IPOD" (generic MP3 player) without
> resorting to those crappy cassette adaptors.
> $20 extra for the wiring harness adaptor.  Colors all
> matched, that made it easy.  Solder and tape it all
> nice and all I can say is SUPER!
> Could care less about OE now.  Cassettes are SO obsolete.

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