1993 100: need to obtain radio code

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Jan 27 18:54:51 EST 2005

The dealer can only access a code for a radio that's associated with the
VIN for a specific car.   It has become a rather involved process where
some designated individual has to call Audi's tech center and request the
information.   There is a Bose repair center that might be able to give you
access to the radio.  There shouldn't be any security issues with a radio
that old, I'd think.

At 02:43 PM 1/27/2005 -0600, Billing, Eric wrote:
>Anybody have any recent success obtaining radio codes from the dealer?
>I found a radio on e-bay which is replacement for my old one with dead
>switch. The car is a 1993 100csqw and the radio is the Audi Gamma
>(non-bose) just like the one shown here at Blau
>Will the dealer provide this? How much will they charge?
>Interested to hear what you've found.... .Thanks!
>Eric Billing
>Eagan, MN 
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

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