Fault code pulling - 1988 5000 TQ

Phil Payne quattro at isham-research.com
Fri Jan 28 03:22:24 EST 2005

>  Also, can anyone verify that the two terminals on the top of the FP 
relay triggers the sequence.

I don't know specifically about US cars, but the following is true for the 
UK MAC-12 cars (1B and MB) and should be true for the MAC-11 cars.

Regardless of whether diagnostic connectors are present, the fuel pump 
fuseholder can be used to trigger codes.

Sexy bit - if the check engine light is non-functional, you can read the 
codes from the fuseholder using a diode check light. The only issue is that 
light is dark and dark is light,  The diode goes "out" for a flash and "on" 
for a pause.  

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