UrS4 issues

Phil Payne quattro at isham-research.com
Sun Jan 30 16:17:21 EST 2005

> 1. I have a minor leak out of the pas pump from one of these big cross 
headed screws, can you get the seals for these???

Yes, I carry them in the bus as routine - a stock item.  You remove the 
"big cross headed screws" using a draglink socket (a big screwdriver) and 
replace them using a torque wrench at 80Nm. CRUCIAL: the new O-ring must be 
soaked in G 002 000 for a couple of hours.

> 2. minor oil weep from what i think is the headgasket right at the back 
of the engine on the left hand corner as you look at it. major issue or 

Very unlikely - there are no high pressure oilways there.  Cam cover gasket 
is more likely.

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