quattro Digest, Vol 15, Issue 122

Robert Mangas porter_t_dog at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 31 22:08:44 EST 2005

   Sir, I must protest!  My car is already thusly equipped!

>From: "tihol tiholov" <tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca>
>To: <porter_t_dog at hotmail.com>
>Subject: Re: quattro Digest, Vol 15, Issue 122
>Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 16:14:03 -0800
> >OK ok, mea culpa ;)
> >Let's try this:  What have you used to seal up these damned leaky bolt
>holes that I unwittingly disturbed during a routine TB change?
> >Not which is better, not what should I use, simply what have you used
>that worked?
>Well, I like green, being an environmentally friendly color and all ;o),
>or maybe blue, kinda serene and poetic, and, seriously, I've seen it on
>the little bolts holding the calipers to the brackets.
>But best is to listen to the resident chemist and former Chem professor,
>Bob Myers, and then to send him 5 bux for 2 nice oval stickers or 10 bux
>- for your buddy's car, too - like I did awhile back.  They're black on
>white, a little prosaic but classic and beautifully simple, stand out in
>cloudy weather like we're having of late.  And support the wisest list
>in automotivia.

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