Starter Replacement on a 5kq

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Tue Jul 5 18:49:40 EDT 2005

The top hole in the starter is the threaded one.  The bottom gets the
through-bolt and nut.  Top bolts go through from the tranny side.  Bottom
bolts do to except on the V8, where the bottom bolt goes through from the
starter side.

It's a good idea to clean the area where the starter nose goes.  They're
often dirty and oily and I think that contact with the bell housing serves
as a ground?????

At 02:19 PM 7/5/2005 -0700, L DC wrote:
>There are 2 bolts.
>Both go through the tranny/bell housing casing and on
>to the starter.
>One of the bolts screws on to the starter itself (as
>it has threads built in), where as the other screws on
>to a nut, and thus, need to secure both ends. I forget
>which is which.
>Its a fairly straight forward job.
>The started sometimes remains stuck in place even
>after you have removed the bolts/nut, in such case tap
>it with, say a mallet or something to make it loose.
>--- Lokkju <lokkju at> wrote:
>> I am in the process of trying to replace my starter
>> (and hoping my
>> flywheel is not damaged), and can not fir the life
>> of me find the top
>> bolt on the starter.  I checked out Miller's
>> description on his turbo
>> but he leaves unclear WHERE the top bolt is exactly.
>>  Does it go all
>> the way through the tranny casing like the bottom
>> bolt, or does it go
>> through the starter into the tranny casing (i.e., do
>> I access it from
>> the rear or the tranny, or from the front - from
>> above the starter)?
>> Thanks,
>> Nick
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