84 4KQ Cutting out

Bob bob at audisport.com
Thu Jul 7 19:39:47 EDT 2005

There are a couple of things that can do that. Do you notice that the 
tach drops like a rock when that happens? If so, its likely the ignition 
control module or the hall effect sensor. My money is on the ignition 
control module since all my 4k's have suffered from this at one time or 
another!  ALL of them! :)


>My 84 Quattro will stop running while driving, it's like somebody turned the key off.  This happens only when it's warm and for a short period of time, 2-3 seconds.  This has only happened 3 times in a 1,00 miles.  The last time it happened it was very warm and the car would not run for 30 seconds.  Then it started and drove fine.
>Any ideas?
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