wrench and owner baffled: type44 suspension

c dyer cdyer_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 8 14:05:08 EDT 2005

We're perplexed: '87 5ktq is showing some "binding" or
clunking noise; seems to eminate from front
suspension. Usually happens when turning while
braking, turning while going up/downslope, large
potholes, and emergency braking or peel outs.

History: strut bearings, subframe & tranny bushings,
rt. side control arm bushing and left tie rod

My guess is strut mounts (I bought new struts and
install kit from TPC--damn he's cheap! in a good
way...) What other things to check? 


Chris Dyer
(310) 479-0060 home
(310) 567-9863 cell
11625 Texas Ave. #204
Los Angeles, CA 90025

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