5000 turbo Quattro - Steering Wheel Horn contact

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Tue Jul 12 00:07:44 EDT 2005

Yes, I understand this is what needs to be done.  Probably went out of
adjustment after the steering rack was replaced.  The shaft was disconnected
at the clamps to remove/install rack and probably isn't adjusted properly.
Whoda thought - although they do mention it in the Bentley, you don't even
think to look at how to do this when putting things back together.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Austin" <tm2 at zipcon.net>
To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>; <kneale at coslink.net>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 11:44 PM
Subject: RE: 5000 turbo Quattro - Steering Wheel Horn contact

> Ben
> There is another way to solve the problem but much harder.  Loosen the
steering colmn  shaft clamp nut.  This clamps the colmn to the steering
rack.  push the  colmn further onto  the splined end of the rack then
tighten.  You have to hold the colmn in then tighten the nut.

You may have to insert a chisel into the gap and barely tap it to loosen the
clamp just enough though. This worked for me once.
> Hope this helps.
> Pat
> Kirkland, WA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Ben Swann
> Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 5:57 AM
> To: kneale at coslink.net
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: 5000 turbo Quattro - Steering Wheel Horn contact
> A wavy washer would make sense - I wonder If I'm missing this, but don't
> recall seeing one on this or any other 5ktq.
> Ben
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <kneale at coslink.net>
> To: <benswann at comcast.net>
> Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 1:49 PM
> Subject: Re: 5000 turbo Quattro - Steering Wheel Horn contact
> Doesn't the wavey washer go between the steering wheel and the nut?  Or
> you talking about a second washer?
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
> Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 13:25:51 -0400
> To: tm2 at zipcon.net, quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: 5000 turbo Quattro - Steering Wheel Horn contact
> Right - I did this, but consider it to be a provisional fix, as then the
> column switch assembly seems to be too far out from the dash.
> Ben
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Patrick Austin" <tm2 at zipcon.net>
> To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>; <quattro at audifans.com>
> Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 7:22 PM
> Subject: RE: 5000 turbo Quattro - Steering Wheel Horn contact
> > Ben
> >
> > The trick is to loosen multi-function column switch assembly
> > and slide it out closer to the steering wheel.  There is a
> > hole under the assembly where you insert a philips screwdriver
> > and loosen the ring. The screw can only be loosened when the screwdriver
> > is inserted in at a angle.
> >
> > Hope this helps
> >
> > Pat
> > Kirkland, WA
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
> > [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Ben Swann
> > Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 12:13 PM
> > To: quattro at audifans.com
> > Cc: Ben Swann
> > Subject: 5000 turbo Quattro - Steering Wheel Horn contact
> >
> >
> > This is not the first time I've encountered this one and have had this
> hapen
> > on other 5000 turbo quattros, and not sure what I did to get the wheel
> back
> > on properly..  The horn was not working as wheel had been removed
> > probably to replace the multi-function column switch.
> >
> > For some reason the steering wheel does not go in far engough to have
> > spring loaded pin touch the contact ring.  I can push the wheel in but
> there
> > is a spring loaded conical washer that pushes it right back out again.
> > assume that the spring loaded washer keeps the steering column from
> sliding
> > out.  There is about a 1/4" gap between the pin and the ring when it is
> like
> > this, even though the nut that holds the wheel on seems to thread all
> > way down, but maybe not.
> >
> > Anyway, the wheel does not go all the way in engough to make contact.
> > is the trick?
> >
> > Ben
> >]

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