Installing oil pressure gauge

Keith Lawyer LawyerKG at
Wed Jul 13 13:03:41 EDT 2005

I like mechanical and if you can swing the $ I'd just order up some braided stainless line.  You can usually buy it from Summit, Jegs etc in pre-made lengths of 4 to 6 feet.

I've heard mixed reviews on copper. Some say they've ran the same tube for 20 years and some say it'll fail from the vibration.  The vibration issue makes sense to me truthfully.

Keith L
still running the plastic line - yikes!

>>> "Arthur Marks" <aamarks at> 7/13/2005 10:58 AM >>>
Also, oppinions welcome on choice of electric or mech. I've heard mechanical are generally more accurate, but there's always the chance of breakage resulting in an oil leak inside the car. Is copper tubing fairly safe?


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