wheel dollies- eastern/central MA, eastern CT, or Long Island?

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Jul 13 16:56:15 EDT 2005

On Jul 13, 2005, at 4:28 PM, Chris Semple wrote:

> I'm running one of the trailers down to Waterfest(NJ) loaded, but  
> empty on
> the way back if you need anything. Otherwise, I'll just wait for a  
> drag
> racer to break something!

Heh...nope, don't need help towing a car.  Just moving it about 100  
feet while it's parked, locked, in gear, e-brake set.

My best friend is getting married and they want to make a "quiet"  
exit in his fiancee's Civic.  The groomsmen have a few things to say  
about that, naturally.

Ah well.  The rest of our plans will do fine on its own.  It would  
have been fun to move the car, with him knowing the keys were in his  
pocket the entire time, but not knowing how we did it :-)

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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