wheel dollies- eastern/central MA, eastern CT, or Long Island?

Chris Semple chris at force5auto.com
Thu Jul 14 09:47:21 EDT 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:brett at cloud9.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:56 PM
> To: chris at force5auto.com

> > I'm running one of the trailers down to Waterfest(NJ) loaded, but
> > empty on
> > the way back if you need anything. Otherwise, I'll just wait for a
> > drag
> > racer to break something!
> Heh...nope, don't need help towing a car.  Just moving it about 100
> feet while it's parked, locked, in gear, e-brake set.
> My best friend is getting married and they want to make a "quiet"
> exit in his fiancee's Civic.  The groomsmen have a few things to say
> about that, naturally.
> Ah well.  The rest of our plans will do fine on its own.  It would
> have been fun to move the car, with him knowing the keys were in his
> pocket the entire time, but not knowing how we did it :-)
> Brett

Ah gotcha, a unusual application indeed, but a worthy cause! Cody's right on
with a floor jack, or for a more professional move, flag down a local towing
operator, most specialists carry Go-Jacks for tight spaces/repo work. Cash
works well.


Chris Semple
'92 S4
   '04 F350 DRW

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