A8 ECM coding

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Jul 14 14:37:12 EDT 2005

"Reboot" it, disconnect battery, disconnect ECU for a half hour or more. 
Works on the V8Q, no BTDT on newer A8's.

"Free people don't ask for permission to defend themselves."

 "David Giannandrea" <giannandrea at mindspring.comt> writes:

>  I had an incident with the serpentine belt. It disintegrated. Then 

> Now, after charging the battery, I still can't get it to run. Used 
> starting fluid, ran ok for a minute, died.

> Manual says to start car without any throttle movement, wait for 
> adaptation.
> I will be doing that today.
> Any other suggestion about how to 'code' the ECM ??

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