type44 a/c improvements?

sdewitt at stx.rr.com sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Fri Jul 15 14:16:27 EDT 2005

Try installing a aux cooling fan directly in front of the condensor,
make sure the R134 is charged to the proper amount and you don't have
too much oil. Also check to see if your recirc flap is working and
closed when the A/C is blowing cold. You might want to try the Smart
variable orific valve, I have tried them and didn't see much of an

----- Original Message -----
From: c dyer <cdyer_2000 at yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, July 15, 2005 11:44 am
Subject: type44 a/c improvements?

> I'm a man of many queries today...sorry for the WOB.
> I have a '87 5ktq, and all of the CC stuff is either
> new or rebuilt, and the a/c is working as designed.
> However, I live in 100 deg. SoCal and I have a black
> interior so the a/c struggles a bit. This time of year
> I miss my dad's '76 Seville whose a/c could produce
> booger-cicles...ironic since the a/c parts are GM, no?
> Are there tricks/gizmos/potions that can improve (like
> lower the output temp or something) my a/c?
> Tangent: I had my fan switch replaced, so it's working
> as designed also.
> Chris Dyer
> (310) 479-0060 home
> (310) 567-9863 cell
> 11625 Texas Ave. #204
> Los Angeles, CA 90025
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