type44 a/c improvements?

sdewitt at stx.rr.com sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Fri Jul 15 14:18:12 EDT 2005

I don't think the same changes will work on a type 44, there are some
substantial differences in the A/C systems.

----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Yoder <yoderw at msoe.edu>
Date: Friday, July 15, 2005 12:05 pm
Subject: Re: type44 a/c improvements?

> c dyer wrote:
> > I'm a man of many queries today...sorry for the WOB.
> Hey, it's not a waste if people are getting informed, right?
> > I have a '87 5ktq, and all of the CC stuff is either
> > new or rebuilt, and the a/c is working as designed.
> > However, I live in 100 deg. SoCal and I have a black
> > interior so the a/c struggles a bit. This time of year
> > I miss my dad's '76 Seville whose a/c could produce
> > booger-cicles...ironic since the a/c parts are GM, no?
> > 
> > Are there tricks/gizmos/potions that can improve (like
> > lower the output temp or something) my a/c?
> > 
> > Tangent: I had my fan switch replaced, so it's working
> > as designed also.
> Chris,
> I remembered reading on this list a while ago about people lowering
> their AC output temperature.  Searching the archives, I found this 
> thread:http://www.audifans.com/pipermail/quattro/2004-
> August/094492.htmlwhich may get you started.  It refers to the 
> 4000/80/90 instead of the
> type 44, but the general idea should be the same.
> Good luck!
> -Doug Yoder
> -- 
> *------------------*--------------------*---------------------------
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> |    Doug Yoder    |   wdy at zordok.net   |    http://www.zordok.net/ 
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> |  Don't tell me the sky's the limit...                             
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