New problem - 5Ks KZ stalling

Keith Lawyer LawyerKG at
Mon Jul 18 13:24:02 EDT 2005

I wouldn't rule out vacuum leak or do the KZ's not run a sealed crankcase?

Keith L

>>> "Kunz, Bob" <bob.kunz at> 7/18/2005 11:17:27 AM >>>
Ok, so it's not an MC like most of you but it's given me just about 20
years of service with "normal" maintenance. Now comes an interesting
problem of no-start and stalling.

The first case was a no-start while my wife had the car. With 100 degree
weather, I chalked it up to a fuel vapor problem. She had driven several
miles, parked and after 15 minutes could not start up. She waited
several more minutes and it started up with no issues. Second time, I
was turning into a parking lot and downshifted to 2nd when the motor
just quit. I rolled to the side and it restarted right away.

The car has 147K on it, it's an "86 5ks avant. Now I'm thinking ignition
more than fuel. The only ignition parts replaced (other than plugs) are
wires with perhaps 60K on them. I have new wires, cap and rotor which
could go on. I also have some tappets to replace so was going to do it
all at once. Any ideas from you all? Is this how the hall sensor fails?
Concur on ignition as the most likely area?


'86 5ks avant

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