quattro Digest, Vol 21, Issue 32

George Selby gselby4x4 at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 19 17:22:28 EDT 2005

At 01:18 PM 7/19/05, you wrote:
>I turn off the AC for a second and hit the switch to turn it back on...NO 
>AC AGAIN! But ut worked fine on the drive home and worked fine this 
>morning on the drive to work. WTF? Thoughts? Would a vacuum leak have 
>anything to do with this? Or my recent refill?

May be overcharged, and with extremely high temps, high side pressure 
relief switch may be cutting the A/C out.  On my VW Jetta, an engine temp 
switch was cutting out my A/C after 10 seconds of operation, I disconnected 
it, spliced the two wire together with a posi-lock, and now that car has 
the coldest a/c ever.  I mean bone chilling, so cold you can't run it on 
recirc, and you have to add heat in, even when it's 90+ outside.

For further diagnosis, apply 12V directly to the compressor clutch, and see 
if that engages the a/c unit.  Also, try disconnecting each pressure switch 
on the a/c lines (one at a time) and jump over the wires.  If your 
compressor engages, then one of the switches is either bad or indicating a 
problem.  You will have to do this with the engine on and the a/c switch 

George Selby 

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